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Every Single Word: Joshua 13-19, Part 1 — 1/27/2025 10:00 AM

Today's speaker is Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University. Speaking from Joshua 13-19, Dr. White teaches that our God is a faithful God of unfaithful people.


Today in chapel, Dr. Thomas White continued his sermon series in Joshua, showing how the faithful God worked in the midst of an unfaithful people in chapters 13-19. Despite God’s continual faithfulness, the Israelites struggled with disobedience and complacency, much like we do today. These chapters offer critical lessons about trusting in God's promises and not resting on past victories.

Seven Key Concepts from Joshua 13-19

First, there was land to still be conquered for Israel (Joshua 13:1–7). Although much of the land had been conquered, Joshua was told that more remained to be taken. This reflects that God’s work is never truly complete. There’s always more to be done in our walk with Him. Joshua, despite his old age, did not retire but continued to lead, showing us that our spiritual journey is lifelong and that we must keep pressing on in obedience.

Second, the allotment of the land to the tribes highlights Israel’s unity (Joshua 13:8–33). This moment is a fulfillment of God’s promises, but it also foreshadows the eventual division of Israel. For us today, it is a reminder of the importance of unity within the Church. Despite differences, we must remain united in Christ and His mission.

Third, the Israelites failed to fully defeat their enemies as the Lord had commanded them to. They were instructed to drive out all the Canaanites from the land, but instead they allowed remnants of the enemy to remain. This failure reflects our own tendency to compromise and leave unchecked sin in our lives. Dr. White implored the chapel to “make war with [their] sin and annihilate it,” not just leave it alone or make peace with it.

Fourth, Joshua 13:14 and other passages talk about the tribe of Levi’s land inheritance — or lack thereof. Unlike the other tribes, the Levites did not receive a land inheritance. Instead, they were to receive the Lord Himself as their inheritance. This reminds us that the greatest inheritance we have is not in earthly possessions but in God Himself. Jesus Christ is the ultimate pursuit and fulfillment of our lives.

Fifth, the Lord offers grace and equality for all, as we see in Joshua 17:3–6 and in Numbers 27. The daughters of Zelophehad fought for their inheritance, challenging the norms of the time. God responded by giving them their rightful share. This teaches us that God values all people and that His Word is the final authority on matters of justice.

Sixth, Joshua 17:14–16 shows the tribe of Joseph expressing discontentment with their allotment of land, complaining instead of trusting God’s provision. This attitude reflects the Israelites’ ongoing struggle to fully rely on God, just as we often find ourselves grumbling when we don’t get what we want. Joshua contrasted with this attitude by fully trusting God in all things, whether they were big or small, easy or hard.

And finally, Joshua highlights how faithful God is to His unfaithful people. As we look at the Israelites, we see a pattern of not fully trusting God despite all He has done. Have we, like them, become satisfied with past spiritual victories and stopped trusting God for the challenges ahead? Let us remember that God’s faithfulness requires our ongoing obedience and trust.

These chapters of Joshua remind us that God is faithful even when we are unfaithful. Our greatest inheritance is found in Him, and we are called to trust in His promises every day.